Lower Paleolithic

Las ocupaciones paleolíticas en la Depresión de Monforte de Lemos (Lugo, Galicia)

Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Paleolithic Europe / Lower Paleolithic

Nois una estación inferopaleolítica en el Área Cantábrico-Lucense

Palaeolithic Archaeology / Paleolithic Europe / Acheulian (Archaeology) / Lower Paleolithic / Acheulean / Pleistoceno. Paleolítico antiguo. Rasa litoral cantábrica

El Pleistoceno medio y superior inicial en el Noreste de la Península Ibérica

Prehistoric Archaeology / Catalan Studies / Lithic Technology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Paleolithic Europe / Lower Paleolithic / Middle Pleistocene / Catalonian History / Lower Paleolithic / Middle Pleistocene / Catalonian History

Las primeras ocupaciones humanas al sur del Duero: el Paleolítico inferior y medio en Segovia

Palaeolithic Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Lower Paleolithic / Mousterian / Lower and Middle Paleolithic / Middle Palaeolithic / Lower Palaeolithic / Segovia / Duero Valley / Middle Palaeolithic Lower Palaeolithic Iberian Peninsule / Middle Palaeolithic / Lower Palaeolithic / Segovia / Duero Valley / Middle Palaeolithic Lower Palaeolithic Iberian Peninsule

Industria lítica de los niveles del Paleolítico Medio Antiguo y Paleolítico Superior de Arlanpe (Lemoa, Bizkaia)

Use Wear Analysis / Lithic Technology / Lithics / Lower Paleolithic / Archaeology of the Basque Country / Lithic Technology (Archaeology) / Middle Palaeolithic / Solutrean / Magdalenian / Middle Paleolithic / Solutrense / Lithic Analysis / Lithic Raw Material Sourcing / early Middle Palaeolithic / Experimental Archaeology x Lithics x Lithic Technology x Quartz industries x Typology x Archaeology x Archaeometry x Archaeological Method & Theory x Archaeological Science x Statistical Methods in Archaeology x / Lithic Use Wear Analysis / Middle Magdalenian / Lower to Middle Paleolithic Transition / Lithic Technology (Archaeology) / Middle Palaeolithic / Solutrean / Magdalenian / Middle Paleolithic / Solutrense / Lithic Analysis / Lithic Raw Material Sourcing / early Middle Palaeolithic / Experimental Archaeology x Lithics x Lithic Technology x Quartz industries x Typology x Archaeology x Archaeometry x Archaeological Method & Theory x Archaeological Science x Statistical Methods in Archaeology x / Lithic Use Wear Analysis / Middle Magdalenian / Lower to Middle Paleolithic Transition

Las primeras ocupaciones humanas en el occidente cantábrico: El Paleolítico inferior y medio en Asturias

Palaeolithic Archaeology / Neanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology) / Lower Paleolithic / Mousterian / Middle Palaeolithic / Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology

Hallazgo de un producto lítico tallado de Modo 2 de la Calle Juan Morrison 4-6 (Algeciras, Cádiz)

Lower Paleolithic / Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology / Straits of Gibraltar

López-Recio M. et al. (2015): Geocronología de los yacimeintos achelenses de Pinedo y Cien Fanegas (Valle del Tajo) e impicaciones en la evolución fluvial en el entorno de Toledo (España)

Prehistoric Archaeology / Geomorphology / Palaeolithic Archaeology / Geochronology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Lower Paleolithic / Acheulean / Lower Paleolithic / Acheulean

TESIS: Risas, sonrisas y caricaturas en las manifestaciones gráficas paleolíticas

Human Rights / Humor psychology / Humor (Psychology) / Humor / Rock Art (Archaeology) / Palaeolithic Archaeology / Humor/Satire / Humor and laughter in education / Philosophy of Humor / Paleolithic Europe / Philosophy of Humour / Humor Studies / Lower Paleolithic / Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition / Upper Paleolithic / Arqueología / Anthropology of Humour / Prehistoric Rock Art / Rock Art / Humour Studies / Paleolithic / Humour / Paleolithic Art / Paleolithic Archaeology / Folklore, Anthropology, Aesthetics, Theories of Play, Games, and Humor, Popular Culture, History of Media and Technology, Narrative Theory, Informal Networks / Comedia Nueva / African Rock Art / Sociology Humor Laughter Theory Review / Paléolithique / Theory of Humour / Arte paleolítico / Diseño De La Sonrisa / Palaeolithic Archaeology / Humor/Satire / Humor and laughter in education / Philosophy of Humor / Paleolithic Europe / Philosophy of Humour / Humor Studies / Lower Paleolithic / Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition / Upper Paleolithic / Arqueología / Anthropology of Humour / Prehistoric Rock Art / Rock Art / Humour Studies / Paleolithic / Humour / Paleolithic Art / Paleolithic Archaeology / Folklore, Anthropology, Aesthetics, Theories of Play, Games, and Humor, Popular Culture, History of Media and Technology, Narrative Theory, Informal Networks / Comedia Nueva / African Rock Art / Sociology Humor Laughter Theory Review / Paléolithique / Theory of Humour / Arte paleolítico / Diseño De La Sonrisa

Nota dun biface achado en Ribadeo (Lugo)

Prehistoric Archaeology / Acheulian (Archaeology) / Lower Paleolithic / Cantabrian Palaeolithic / Achelense

Las claves secuenciales del Paleolítico Inferior de Andalucía

Lower Paleolithic / Middle Paleolithic / Acheulean (Archaeology) / Andalucía

El Paleolític Inferior i Mitjà a la comarca del Comtat

Lower Paleolithic / Prehistoria / Paleolítico medio / Paleolítico / Musteriense / Paleolítico Inferior

El sitio paleolítico de modo 2 de Algetares (Algeciras, Cádiz): excavación arqueológica, descripción del depósito y análisis de la industria lítica y sus procesos técnicos

Paleolithic Europe / Lower Paleolithic / Arqueología / Spanish Paleolithic / Paleolithic Archaeology / Neandertales / Achelean Tools / Paleolítico / Achelense / Musteriense / Neandertales / Achelean Tools / Paleolítico / Achelense / Musteriense
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